The seminar content is conveyed through input, examples, video sequences, individual and small group exercises.
2 days
Target group
Sales teams including sales management
Previous knowledge
Seminar contents
- Der Fan-Kunde als Schlüssel für Loyalität und anhaltendem Verkaufserfolg.
- What is the difference between a customer and a fan?
- How and through what does a customer become a fan?
- Only those who are on fire can ignite others.
- How can you significantly increase the fan quota in your customer portfolio?
- Wege vom Durchschnitt zur Exzellenz.
- Die Fan-Quote lebt von einer maximalen Beziehungsqualität.
- Der Weg vom „Mitarbeiter“ zum „Mitveränderer“.
- The sales team works out ways to conquer customers with performance, quality and to capture emotions and turn them into fans.
Emotionen zu erobern und zu Fans zu machen.