- Input
- Individual exercises
- Group exercises (practical experience of cultural differences)
- Video sequences
- Case studies
2 days
Target group
All employees and managers from sales and service who come into contact with people from other cultures.
Previous knowledge
Seminar contents
- The intercultural challenge of dealing with foreign cultures
- The need for professional international action
What is culture?
- Diversity and cultural barriers
- Definitions of culture
- Self-assessment of intercultural competence
- How do I recognise my own cultural imprint?
Business practice
- Hierarchies, staff management & dealing with foreign colleagues
- Special aspects of working and management styles
- Cultural differences in project and team work in the target country
- Establishing and maintaining sustainable relationships with customers, suppliers and business partners
- The cultural values of your target country
- Typical stumbling blocks in communication
● Verbal, non-verbal
● Small talk, presentations, negotiationsInteraction
● Perception
● Intercultural social competenceEtiquette
● Attire
● Conduct at business meals, drinking behavioursCharacteristics of selected cultures
● These can be requested from the participants in the seminar