
The seminar content is conveyed through input, examples, video sequences, individual and small group exercises.


2 days

Target group

Sales teams including sales management

Previous knowledge


Seminar contents

  1. Der Fan-Kunde als Schlüssel für Loyalität und anhaltendem Verkaufserfolg.
  2. What is the difference between a customer and a fan?
  3. How and through what does a customer become a fan?
  4. Only those who are on fire can ignite others.
  5. How can you significantly increase the fan quota in your customer portfolio?
  6. Wege vom Durchschnitt zur Exzellenz.
  7. Die Fan-Quote lebt von einer maximalen Beziehungsqualität.
  8. Der Weg vom „Mitarbeiter“ zum „Mitveränderer“.
  9. The sales team works out ways to conquer customers with performance, quality and to capture emotions and turn them into fans.
    Emotionen zu erobern und zu Fans zu machen.